12 August 2010

eating: pancakes

Since the 'vegan experiment' began, I've been tweaking my habits in that I generally avoid making foods that should have dairy and egg products. Like pancakes. Plus, who has time to really make pancakes very often?

I stopped by the local library the other day to pick up some books on CD for the commute and took a turn about their new arrivals section. Two cookbooks jumped out into my arms and I took them home in addition to my CDs. I find myself checking out cookbooks this way instead of splurging and buying them at the bookstore. Gotta control myself just a tad. Anyway, one of the cookbooks is Vegan Yum Yum. I'm sold on it. Add it to my Borders wish list and just wait for that 40% off coupon.

Since I worked all weekend, I took a comp day on Monday and enjoyed a little laundry, a little yard work, a little reading, and a little cooking. My morning treat? The Vegan Yum Yum recipe for Easy Weekend Pancakes, which you can find on the Vegan Yum Yum blog right here. I used vanilla almond milk instead of soy milk, and used a mixture of organic all purpose and whole wheat flours instead of spelt. But the idea is the same. The use of the blender for mixing and pouring was genius. And the result was definitely yum-yum.


T. said...

I am OBSESSED with pancakes these days. We will definitely get them while we are here, and the place I am thinking of even has dairy free/wheat free ones!! I cannot promise they will be yum-yum, but their regular pancakes definitely are, so the odds are good!

Red Pop Shop said...

this looks SOOOoOOOOO yummy!