17 February 2012

some attention

A work from home day means that I can use my lunch break to tackle quick housekeeping tasks - like changing over laundry to the dryer or unloading the dishwasher.  But working from home also means that I get the chance to notice how much I need to tidy, put away, clean, and otherwise pay some attention to my domestic surroundings.  With a somewhat longish-distance relationship going on (about an hour drive apart), I would admit that the normal weekend housekeeping has been largely ignored in favor of hanging out with the beau when I have the chance.  But with him working late tonight and me tomorrow morning, I actually have tonight and tomorrow morning all by myself (sniff) and plan on getting some chores done once the work day has ended.  An exciting Friday night?  Maybe not, but I'll certainly feel better when I get some things in line.  Wish me luck.

Rain, snow, wind, sunshine; I'm not sure whether it is winter or springtime.  The crocus are popping up on the grounds at work and the forsythia branches I cut from my own yard are now blooming in a vase in the living room.  Springtime (including my birthday) cannot arrive soon enough for me.  I long for warm afternoons when I can get out and take long walks to the library or farmer's market or just read outside.  I especially long for springtime vegetables - asparagus and English peas are at the top of my list.

I'll leave it at that for now.  I'm about to head into crazy work mode next week, and gosh, even into the next with some conferences and site visits.  Until then...

P.S. Crazy after-Valentine's Day candy sale at Target has now supplied me with SweeTarts jelly beans and hearts and I fear a massive sugar coma is about to commence.  Lunch today included those addictive jelly beans.  Who knew that you could get jelly beans outside of Easter?!  But I digress...

1 comment:

T. said...

Those V-Day jelly beans are totally addictive!! I split a bag with my coworker yesterday. I was having pink and purple hallucinations by the end of the day. Good stuff.