23 March 2009


I promise, I am totally not a crunchy-granola sort of gal. Yet I have made a promise to shop cruelty free for my personal care products and here I go... I have come to the one product adjustment that strikes fear in me: deodorant.

I really, truly, don't want to smell. Really. But I also don't want to compromise my principles. Problem solved with my purchase (and over one month of testing - wanted to make sure it worked before I reported) of Kiss My Face's Liquid Rock roll-on deodorant. While you do have to let yourself dry a bit before dressing, I've found that I can do a lunchtime workout and not have to reapply (although I sometimes do just in case). I've been using the unscented but may try some of the other "flavors" in the next round as this version does smell a bit "enzymey".

Now, while I do admit that I've not yet tested this in the depths of our humid Virginia summers, I'm feeling pretty good about it. My body has adjusted (it did take a week or so) and while I do certainly sweat, I don't smell. Very important.


Anonymous said...

Yay! Good find!

L. said...

Hooray for not being smelly!

Mommy, Esq. said...

Happy Birthday, Non-Smelly Girl!