22 November 2009

Recipe cards and organizing blogs

In my quest to move toward a more organized way of life (and isn't that always something I'm bringing up? - well, I at least feel it is), my coworker has been introducing me to some organizing blogs for inspiration. One of the best ones she suggested is Penelope Loves Lists. Although new, it has so much potential...and one of the latest posts on it is actually apropos to my own organizing of recipe cards that I started working on last week.

Over the past week or so, I've been spending my time here and there going through my own blog posts to see what recipes I loved and am copying them onto cards for easy access. Although I love my wireless internet at home, sometimes you need that card in front of you - a place to quickly refer and to write down notes. Plus, I have a cute collection of blank recipe cards that I must use.

Any other organizing blogs you love out there? Do tell!


T. said...

You realize the gigantic can of worms you've opened over here? Organizing blogs? Yikes. You can imagine what I've been doing for the last hour or so. :-)

Almostima said...

As I look at the destruction in my living room right now (mostly baby related, but not all) I know that I totally need this, and am totally incapable of following through at the same time. sigh.

Penelope Loves Lists said...

Hi Gretchen! Thank you so much for the shout out for Penelope Loves Lists. I am incredibly glad you like the new site. I hope you'll continue to check back and let me know what you think.

Thanks again for the support!