15 January 2011

growing: orchid

A cold, but sunny, winter's day. Perfect for catching up on magazines and watching the first episode of Downton Abbey for the third time. I'm working during the day, but plan on having a nice lazy evening bundled up on the couch.

I brought an orchid home as a table favor from my friend Cathy's after-wedding-brunch last May. Knowing that orchids are temperamental and exotic, I didn't expect it to live past its summertime bloom. I placed it on a cabinet in front of the window in the office/guest room (indirect, bright light) and watered about once a week. And around the holidays I started to notice something. Some green budding. And then this discovery this morning.

Tonight for dinner, a take on this recipe but with arugula, my current winter obsession...


Anonymous said...

interesting concept of peeling the mushroom -- never would have thought of that but makes total sense.

L. said...

I am in serious envy of your green thumb!